Our Youth Gardening Group at THJCA participated in the Youth section of the flower show recently at the Tampa Garden Club. In January they toured the garden and picked the flowers that they liked so that Miss Kathy (Echevarria) could dry them. After they were dried the kids used the dried petals, stems and leaves to create a work of art. In another category, they created a poster featuring native birds and butterflies.
The teens entered the vegetables that they grew in their garden: cabbage, collards, carrots, kale. Nationally certified judges awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and hororable mention ribbons and all around best ribbons. Heaven Eubanks was awarded a ribbon for her collards, Giani was awarded the best ribbon for his bird poster, Camron was awarded a ribbon for his poster of the red shouldered hawk (we have a family living near our garden).